Health Tips: Advice of Ayurveda- These home remedies can provide protection from many diseases Ayurveda has had a very important place in Indian medical history. The medicines described in this can benefit the body in many ways, not only this, these medicines have been used for years as a treatment to reduce the risk of many serious diseases. Many such spices have been used daily in all of our homes, which can benefit our health in many ways. Certain medicines can be especially helpful for a variety of problems, from diabetes to heart disease to skin problems. If we look at the history of Ayurveda, there is a special mention of the health benefits of the use of herbs and spices. Medical science has also accepted its benefits. Studies have found that medicines based on Ayurvedic principles can reduce the risk of many serious diseases, not only that some are also believed to be protective against serious and fatal diseases like cancer. Let us know which medicines can be...
what is ayurveda?
Ayurveda has been showing us the path to a healthy life for thousands of years. In ancient India, Ayurveda was considered one of the best ways to treat diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle. Because of the importance of maintaining good health, we haven't stopped using the principles and concepts of Ayurveda even in the modern world - that's the importance of Ayurveda.
Importance of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a five thousand year old system of medicine, which is helpful in giving right direction to our modern lifestyle and developing beneficial habits for health. In this, products, medicines and substances used in everyday life are prepared from other natural things including herbs. Their use makes life happy, stress free and disease free. For the last 75 years, 'Kerala Ayurveda' is also working to make life easier for the people by providing Ayurveda based products.
The company also has a website where you can easily find products that are made entirely from natural ingredients. Ayurveda has also been officially recognized by the World Health Organization in 1976. This healing method works on diseases, makes skin and hair healthy and benefits the human body and mind. The meaning of Ayurveda is not only chanting, yoga, rubbing or massaging oil, but the importance of Ayurveda is even wider than this. In Ayurveda, work is done on eliminating the root cause of any kind of health problem. This is the reason why apart from India, today Ayurveda has been given a very high place all over the world.
History of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that has been practiced in India for at least 5,000 years. The word comes from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (knowledge). Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, was already documented many centuries ago in the Vedas and Puranas. What's more, Ayurveda has evolved over the years and is now integrated with other traditional practices, including yoga.
Ayurveda was discovered in India and is widely practiced in the Indian subcontinent - more than 90 percent of Indians use some form of Ayurvedic medicine. According to the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota, the tradition has gained popularity in the Western world over the years, although Ayurveda treatment is still not considered an alternative medical treatment. goes.
Health Benefits of Ayurveda:
1. Maintenance of healthy weight, skin and hair
Lifestyle modifications through a healthy diet and Ayurvedic treatments help in reducing excess fat from the body. Ayurveda helps in maintaining a healthy weight by improving diet. You can get healthy skin through organic and natural methods. Not only this, with the help of balanced diet, toning exercises and Ayurvedic supplements / supplements, not only will your body remain healthy but your mind will also be happy
2. Ayurvedic treatment helps you to avoid stress.
Regular practice of yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, massage and herbal remedies help calm, detoxify and rejuvenate the body. Breathing exercises maintain circulation in the body and supply more oxygen to the cells. Exercises like Shirodhara, Abhyangam, Shirobhyangam, and Padyabhangam are recommended in Ayurveda to keep depression and anxiety at bay.
3. Help with irritation and inflammation:
Lack of proper diet, unhealthy eating routine, insufficient sleep, irregular sleep patterns and poor digestion can lead to bloating. The root cause of neurological diseases, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, pulmonary diseases, arthritis, and many other diseases starts with inflammation. As you start eating according to your dosha, the digestive system starts getting stronger. Consuming certain foods at the right time reduces toxins in the blood and digestive system. Provides vitality and high energy as well as helps reduce mood swings and lethargy
4. Purification of the body:
Panchakarma in Ayurveda is the practice of eliminating bodily toxins through enemas, oil massage, blood letting, purification and other oral administration. Suitable home remedies used extensively in Ayurvedic herbal medicine are cumin, cardamom, fennel and ginger to cure indigestion in the body.
5. Prevention from other critical diseases including cancer, low blood pressure, cholesterol:
Ayurvedic remedies are also well known for the prevention of cancer. Researchers suggest that an Ayurvedic diet and relaxation techniques help reduce plaque buildup. Ayurvedic medicine herbs provide a multitude of vitamins, minerals and proteins. These are mixed together in an appropriate dosage and administered at an optimal time to prevent and combat immune related disorders.
This ancient art of healing, Ayurveda has helped propel other forms of ancient medical science, such as Tibetan medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It is one of the oldest and practiced forms of medicine. It was also used by the Greeks. The food we eat is believed to have an effect on our material well-being, and can make us habituated or debilitated. What we eat determines whether we will be energetic or lethargic.
Ayurveda existed long before western medicine. The introduction of modern medicine and frequent foreign invasions in India did not give importance to this art. Presently, modern doctors are realizing the importance of this ancient art and trying to bring more research on Ayurveda by relating Ayurveda with modern medical science. With this new advancement in medical science, the ideology and lifestyle of the people are also changing very fast.
Ayurveda is effective in increasing immunity
Through Ayurveda, we can also increase our immunity. With the increase of immunity, not only one can protect oneself from epidemics like corona virus, but also from many other types of deadly viruses. Of course, we are adopting all methods to protect ourselves from this virus, but it has been found in many studies that now it is also present in the air. In such a situation, we can win from this only by increasing our immunity. Many types of herbs and plants will be useful for this.
Giloy- Giloy is nowadays available in the form of medicine and juice. It can also be drunk by boiling it in water. Immunity can be increased by including it in the daily diet.
Amla- It is also known as Karonda. Amla chutney or juice can also be consumed. It is the main component of Chyawanprash. Vitamin C is also found in large quantities in it.
Tulsi- Its use can relieve upper and lower respiratory tract diseases such as cough, cold or breathing problems. Basil leaves can also be consumed. Or you can drink it as herbal tea.
Turmeric- Turmeric is considered very beneficial in Ayurveda. It is most commonly used in our kitchen. This helps in inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer's or heart disease. Apart from putting it in food daily, turmeric powder can be consumed by adding it to milk. Or you can also eat turmeric pills.
Black Pepper - It has also been given an important place in Ayurveda. You can eat black pepper mixed with turmeric. It is very effective in eliminating cold from the root. It increases immunity and nowadays it is also available in the form of tablets.
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