Health Tips: Advice of Ayurveda- These home remedies can provide protection from many diseases Ayurveda has had a very important place in Indian medical history. The medicines described in this can benefit the body in many ways, not only this, these medicines have been used for years as a treatment to reduce the risk of many serious diseases. Many such spices have been used daily in all of our homes, which can benefit our health in many ways. Certain medicines can be especially helpful for a variety of problems, from diabetes to heart disease to skin problems. If we look at the history of Ayurveda, there is a special mention of the health benefits of the use of herbs and spices. Medical science has also accepted its benefits. Studies have found that medicines based on Ayurvedic principles can reduce the risk of many serious diseases, not only that some are also believed to be protective against serious and fatal diseases like cancer. Let us know which medicines can be...
These 8 Habits Are Caused by Pimples, Change Immediately: Nowadays youth are more worried about the problem of acne and pimples. To get rid of them, they adopt every possible recipe and treatment. Nail-acne is a condition related to the skin in which black or red colored pimples become like on the face and when they are pressed, something of white color comes out. It is not good to press them because after this dark spots are formed on the face, which becomes even more difficult to get rid of. The biggest reason for getting pimples is junk food and fried food. Due to this our skin becomes oily and pimples occur. because of pimples: Another reason for getting pimples is pollution and dusty soil, due to which dirt accumulates on the face and this leads to acne and pimples. That's why it is important to cover your face properly while going anywhere an...